Blog1: General Introduction (project proposal and blog outline)
Blog1 : Gener al Introduction (project proposal and blog outline) Tuoye Ma Title : Music Technology and Bellringing Aims: The project's goal is to make a system using Max that lets people play bell compositions with a MIDI controller. We're creating a special bell sound maker that you can customise, turning bell music into notes that a computer can understand, and letting you change how it sounds while you play. This project is all about making a new kind of music system that hasn't been done much before. Objectives (with choices and decisions): 1:Literature Review: The stuff people have written about bell ringing and MIDI (that's the technology used for controlling electronic instruments) helps us understand these topics better. Some talk about why bell ringing is important in English culture and how it's done, which helps us appreciate its history and traditions. A most public of musical performances: the English art of change-ringing The Art and Sc...